Crying for Justice, 2021
Crying for Justice was a site-specific installation by Haroon Gunn-Salie presented on the unmarked site near the historic gallows at the Castle of Good Hope in Central Cape Town.
The installation is made up of 118 graves excavated into the landscape, symbolising the 117 known activists killed in detention by apartheid security forces. The last grave acknowledges activists killed in detention and who remain unaccounted for.
The sculptural graveyard highlights the need to dig up the past to reveal the truth behind these brutal killings and is intended to remain in the landscape until the truth is revealed.
When viewed from the rampart elevation of the Castle walls, the installation spells the word JUSTICE as a reverberating call to continue the fight for truth, justice and accountability in post-apartheid South Africa, and for the prosecution of those responsible for these politically-motivated crimes against humanity.